Meghan Maugeri

But things as fragile as a thought, a dream, a legend, they can go on and on.

Polar Bear Society Selected for American Stage’s 21st Century Voices New Play Festival!

I’m happy to announce that my new full length dramedy, POLAR BEAR SOCIETY, will have a virtual staged reading in American Stage’s 21st Century Voices New Play Festival! Brief play description: Three teens form a virtual mental health support group in this “this compassionate and often funny play about finding humor, friendship, and hope in times of adversity.” For more information about the play and the festival, please visit

One cool thing for my Pear Theatre friends. As it turns out, the Associate Artistic Director of American Stage had lived in the Bay Area for a handful of years and is very familiar with Pear’s work. It is indeed a small theatre world!

I’m so grateful to American Stage for supporting theatre artists during such a tough year. I also wanted to give a shout out to Pear Theatre’s new play development team and Matt, my critique-partner-in-chief, for their helpful notes on this project. I’m going to be stepping out of my comfort zone in a major way for this, so here’s hoping that I’m up for the challenge. More to come later!

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